Read it to Me 2.0 (GPL)

Read it to Me

Read it to Me™ 2.0 has been released. It has a new home on SourceForge and is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Adam and I have had Read it to Me™ 2.0 sitting on ice for several months now with neither of us having time to do a proper release. Looking forward, neither of us really have time to maintain the project properly, so we’ve decided to open source it and hope someone else wants to help develop it.

New features in 2.0:

  • Sync unread e-mail from your Inbox.
  • Sync web pages (using Safari).
  • Sync text pasted/entered into the Notepad text field.

Things we wanted to add but never had sufficient roundtuit:

  • Show the list of groups and feeds in NNW and allow people to check the ones they want sync’ed.
  • Show a list of Mail folders and allow people to check the ones they want sync’ed.
  • Show a list of items in a Mail folder and allow people to check the ones they want sync’ed.
  • All of the options above should have a ‘remember’ option.
  • iSync style UI with appropriately sized panels for the different areas.
  • A better icon.